Earl Lavender, Palladist and Rake

In the month of March, 1909, John Davidson allowed himself to be gathered within the heart of the universe, a conscious step taken by "the universe made conscious".
To Davidson, death was not a one-way ticket to either reward or revenge from an omnipotent god; nor was it the end of life. He gave his material body up:
"As ether to the ether whence it cameReturns again;
to darkness, silence, peace,
The wide oblivion of the Universe,The rapture of the infinite."
Mammon and his Message
As King Mammon, putting forward Davidson's firmly held philosophy of Materialism, says in "Mammon and his Message":
"In us the ether consciously becomesImagination, thought, religion and art. We are the ether, we are the universe, We are eternity: not sense, not spirit. But matter; but the whole become self-conscious."
(from the creator of Earl Lavender)
The character of Earl Lavender is the posterboy for the New Flesh Palladist. Along with Des Esseintes (A Rebours, Huysmans), the Hedonist becomes the Hero and "art" becomes sacred, the whore becomes the BVM and the world goes to Hell in a handbasket. Rapture this!
Also, new copies of the N.F.P. should be available soon.