Happy Birthday Eliphas!

As you know, NFP business can now be conducted at the website: www.newfleshpalladium.net
In this blog, we will attempt to answer the various email questions that have been sent in regarding the practices of Sado-Magick.
For this month's question, we will address the subject of Pre-Adamite Man. This subject has been covered extensively by PB Randolph, Andrew Jackson Davis and many New Flesh pioneers. Followers of Lucifuge Rofocale believe the Unknown Superiors to be psychically powerful beings who are twin sexed. These "Elohim" have been charged with guarding and nurturing the progress of humankind. "The Adventures of Max Gravity" goes more deeply into the daily rituals of the Elohim. Suffice it to say that they excel in the arts of Sexual Magick. They possess multiple sex organs and are said to live for centuries. Like vampires, they are concerned with preserving their material vehicles of manifestation and will go to extreme measures to accomplish their goals. Their powers of seduction are legendary.
The Pre-Adamite Age:
"An ancient tradition ascribed the establishment of Moon worship to Adam, the first man. The medieval Arab scholar Abubacer wrote: They [the Sabaeans] say that Adam was born from male and female, just like the rest of mankind, but they honored him greatly, and said that he had come from the Moon, that he was the prophet and apostle of the Moon, and that he had exhorted the nations that they should serve the Moon. . . . They also related about Adam that when he had left the Moon and proceeded from the area of India towards Babylonia, that he brought many wonders with him.(1) The Adamites, the ante-diluvial men, were most probably not the first human beings on the planet. Even admitting that by “expulsion from the Garden of Eden” is allegorized a catastrophe which quite destroyed mankind prior to the Deluge, it is impossible to declare that it was the first catastrophe. It depends on the memory of the peoples which catastrophe they consider as the act of creation. Human beings, rising from some catastrophe, bereft of memory of what had happened, regarded themselves as created from the dust of the earth. All knowledge about the ancestors, who they were and in what interstellar space they lived, was wiped away from the memory of the few survivors. The talmudic-rabbinical tradition believes that before Adam was created, the world was more than once inhabited and more than once destroyed. It was at the end of the first age, symbolized by the expulsion of man from the blessed Garden of Eden, that the moon lost its brightness.(2) It was not just a single human pair—the tradition ascribes to Adam the invention of seventy languages. "
Mary Meat. Mary Part. Mary Meat Again. . .and again and again. (This is the formula of Cunninglingus Sanctissumus.)