Nerd Researchers

Emma Hardinge Britten has become a rising superstar of 19th century Hermetic magic and sexuality! Just Google her name and you;ll find a new site that's really great. The research is in the tradition of Pat Deveney (The most recent and well documented bio of PB Randolph). There are even links to scans of "The Occult Magazine" of 1885 and 1886 at the Emma research site.
As a practicing (practice makes perfect) sexual magician, it is "infinitely amusing" to watch pedantic scholars weigh in on sexual experiences that they can only have have dreamed of. The true transcendence of participating in a ritual of drug induced ecstasy accompanied by invocations to the great gods within the context of magickal training is (i suspect) unknown to these scholastic academicians. The fears and thrills of following the ideas of PB Randolph and Emma are an essential key to opening the door to initiation in these mysteries. I really enjoy the results of these "nerd-researchers" but it creeps me out that these guys may be more like Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition than truth seekers. APO PANTOS KAKDAIMONOS!
Here at the NFP in south Florida, we don't have problems with pedantic wanna be sex magicians. The women are hot and the grass is green. Santeria and Voodoun are living religions here because they represnt a true communication with unseen (occult) powers. Some of you may recall how Scholasticism of the middle ages promoted ignorance, hatred and fear. This was the monkish practice of believing that all truth was contained in manuscripts which were kept in scrolls that could not be accessed or cross-referenced. Result: no access to the original documents and the only option is to believe what the curators (the monks) tell you .
Folks, please don't believe the monkish scholasticism of the nerd-researchers. Check out the original documents and make up your own mind. Demand that University libraries and other institutions open their records on the internet to every truth-seeker. There is no honor to academic nerd-researchers replacing the original thoughts of PB Randolph and other great teachers with personal, politically correct opinions which qualify the nerds fo bigger salaries within academia.
My favorite is Devaney (and godwin et al.) disparaging Randolph throughout the text while extolling his "genius" at the end of the book. PB Randolphs Magic Mirror instruction is profound, transcendent wisdom (by way of analogy) but Attorney Deveny makes fun of it. Any sex magician who has followed PBRs relationship with his youthful wife, Kate Corson, will easily understand PBRs adventure and suicide with his pistol as an homage to Kali which is reiterated in the Chod Rite of Tibetan Buddhism.
Lets hope that Emmas new Champion will be more discerning in his telling of her message and not emulate Devaney's style of gathering evidence to prosecute these spiritual leaders for breaking his own imagined taboos.
Still. . .I love being able to read what Emma and PBR had to say Their honesty and Spiritual Beauty is undeniable.
See ya.
As a practicing (practice makes perfect) sexual magician, it is "infinitely amusing" to watch pedantic scholars weigh in on sexual experiences that they can only have have dreamed of. The true transcendence of participating in a ritual of drug induced ecstasy accompanied by invocations to the great gods within the context of magickal training is (i suspect) unknown to these scholastic academicians. The fears and thrills of following the ideas of PB Randolph and Emma are an essential key to opening the door to initiation in these mysteries. I really enjoy the results of these "nerd-researchers" but it creeps me out that these guys may be more like Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition than truth seekers. APO PANTOS KAKDAIMONOS!
Here at the NFP in south Florida, we don't have problems with pedantic wanna be sex magicians. The women are hot and the grass is green. Santeria and Voodoun are living religions here because they represnt a true communication with unseen (occult) powers. Some of you may recall how Scholasticism of the middle ages promoted ignorance, hatred and fear. This was the monkish practice of believing that all truth was contained in manuscripts which were kept in scrolls that could not be accessed or cross-referenced. Result: no access to the original documents and the only option is to believe what the curators (the monks) tell you .
Folks, please don't believe the monkish scholasticism of the nerd-researchers. Check out the original documents and make up your own mind. Demand that University libraries and other institutions open their records on the internet to every truth-seeker. There is no honor to academic nerd-researchers replacing the original thoughts of PB Randolph and other great teachers with personal, politically correct opinions which qualify the nerds fo bigger salaries within academia.
My favorite is Devaney (and godwin et al.) disparaging Randolph throughout the text while extolling his "genius" at the end of the book. PB Randolphs Magic Mirror instruction is profound, transcendent wisdom (by way of analogy) but Attorney Deveny makes fun of it. Any sex magician who has followed PBRs relationship with his youthful wife, Kate Corson, will easily understand PBRs adventure and suicide with his pistol as an homage to Kali which is reiterated in the Chod Rite of Tibetan Buddhism.
Lets hope that Emmas new Champion will be more discerning in his telling of her message and not emulate Devaney's style of gathering evidence to prosecute these spiritual leaders for breaking his own imagined taboos.
Still. . .I love being able to read what Emma and PBR had to say Their honesty and Spiritual Beauty is undeniable.
See ya.
Labels: Emma Hardinge Britten, PB Randolph