To Serve the Servants

To Serve The Servants
By Magister Peni Tento
Although it stands to reason that a Slave should be mindful of the Master, it would seem that we are all negligent. Consequently, if someone were to ask, "What is the true relationship of the Slave to the Master?" the person who would be able to answer promptly is rare. This is because it has not been established in one's mind beforehand. Once properly understood, the Slave's unmindfulness of the Master can be corrected.
Negligence is an extreme thing which must never be tolerated by the Master
The Mystery of the Slave is found in Obedience. When it comes to either/or, there is only the quick choice of Obedience. It is not particularly difficult. Be determined, Obey and Advance. To say that Blind Obedience without reaching one's aim is to die a dog's death is ignorant way of the Mundanes. When pressed with the immediacy of Obedience, it is not necessary to gain one's aim. It is only necessary to obey.
We all want Pleasure. And in large part we make our logic according to what we like. But not having attained our aim and continuing to live in cowardice is a thin dangerous line. To die without gaining one's aim is Humiliation and a dog's death. But there is no shame in this. This is the substance of the Mystery of the Slave: that by setting one's heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though the body is separated from the Spirit. Celestial Freedom is the reward. One’s whole life will be without blame or sin, and Success will follow one’s prayers.
A Slave is a good performer to the extent that she earnestly places importance in her master. This is the highest sort of Slave. If she is born into a prominent family that goes back for generations, it is sufficient to deeply consider the matter of obligation to her ancestors, to lay down her body and mind, and to earnestly esteem her master. It is further good fortune if, more than this, she has wisdom and talent and can use them appropriately. But even a person who is good for nothing and exceedingly clumsy will be a reliable Slave if only she has the determination to think earnestly of her master. Having only wisdom and talent is the lowest tier of usefulness. According to their nature, there are both people who have quick intelligence, and those who must withdraw and take time to think things over. Looking into this thoroughly, if one thinks selflessly and adheres to the four vows of the Cenobites, Faith, Hope, Love and Charity, surprising wisdom will occur regardless of the high or low points of one's nature.
People think that they can clear up profound matters if they consider them deeply, but they exercise perverse thoughts and come to no good because they do their reflecting with only self-interest at the center. It is difficult for a fool's habits to change to selflessness. In confronting a matter, however, if at first you leave it alone, fix the four vows in your heart, exclude self-interest, and make an effort, you will not go far from your mark. Because we do most things relying only on our own sagacity we become self-interested, turn our backs on reason, and things do not turn out well. As seen by other people this is sordid, weak, narrow and inefficient. When one is not capable of true intelligence, it is good to consult with someone of good sense. The slave will fulfill the Way when she makes a decision by selfless and frank intelligence because she is not personally involved. This way of doing things will certainly be seen by others as being strongly rooted. It is, for example, like a large tree with many roots. The Master's intelligence, represented by the Phallus, is like a tree that has been violently forced into the ground, Excalibur in the Stone of the Wise.
By Magister Peni Tento
Although it stands to reason that a Slave should be mindful of the Master, it would seem that we are all negligent. Consequently, if someone were to ask, "What is the true relationship of the Slave to the Master?" the person who would be able to answer promptly is rare. This is because it has not been established in one's mind beforehand. Once properly understood, the Slave's unmindfulness of the Master can be corrected.
Negligence is an extreme thing which must never be tolerated by the Master
The Mystery of the Slave is found in Obedience. When it comes to either/or, there is only the quick choice of Obedience. It is not particularly difficult. Be determined, Obey and Advance. To say that Blind Obedience without reaching one's aim is to die a dog's death is ignorant way of the Mundanes. When pressed with the immediacy of Obedience, it is not necessary to gain one's aim. It is only necessary to obey.
We all want Pleasure. And in large part we make our logic according to what we like. But not having attained our aim and continuing to live in cowardice is a thin dangerous line. To die without gaining one's aim is Humiliation and a dog's death. But there is no shame in this. This is the substance of the Mystery of the Slave: that by setting one's heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though the body is separated from the Spirit. Celestial Freedom is the reward. One’s whole life will be without blame or sin, and Success will follow one’s prayers.
A Slave is a good performer to the extent that she earnestly places importance in her master. This is the highest sort of Slave. If she is born into a prominent family that goes back for generations, it is sufficient to deeply consider the matter of obligation to her ancestors, to lay down her body and mind, and to earnestly esteem her master. It is further good fortune if, more than this, she has wisdom and talent and can use them appropriately. But even a person who is good for nothing and exceedingly clumsy will be a reliable Slave if only she has the determination to think earnestly of her master. Having only wisdom and talent is the lowest tier of usefulness. According to their nature, there are both people who have quick intelligence, and those who must withdraw and take time to think things over. Looking into this thoroughly, if one thinks selflessly and adheres to the four vows of the Cenobites, Faith, Hope, Love and Charity, surprising wisdom will occur regardless of the high or low points of one's nature.
People think that they can clear up profound matters if they consider them deeply, but they exercise perverse thoughts and come to no good because they do their reflecting with only self-interest at the center. It is difficult for a fool's habits to change to selflessness. In confronting a matter, however, if at first you leave it alone, fix the four vows in your heart, exclude self-interest, and make an effort, you will not go far from your mark. Because we do most things relying only on our own sagacity we become self-interested, turn our backs on reason, and things do not turn out well. As seen by other people this is sordid, weak, narrow and inefficient. When one is not capable of true intelligence, it is good to consult with someone of good sense. The slave will fulfill the Way when she makes a decision by selfless and frank intelligence because she is not personally involved. This way of doing things will certainly be seen by others as being strongly rooted. It is, for example, like a large tree with many roots. The Master's intelligence, represented by the Phallus, is like a tree that has been violently forced into the ground, Excalibur in the Stone of the Wise.