The New Flesh Palladium is implementing its program to provided free downloads of illustrated .pdf documents relating to our subjects of study. The first was "The Secret of Aleister Crowley" which explored the dark side of the Demon Crowley. Any perusal of A.C.'s writings will prove that The Great Beast was more than a mere snake oil salesman. But was uncle Al really the Living Logos of a new era for humanity?
We feel that Aleister Crowley represented a new kind of Messiah---an imperfect savior with the sins and weaknesses of humanity. This doctrine is detailed in our study of Crowley's journey to Ceylon and his final debate with Ananda Metteyya (Alan) on the nature of the soul.
Our second offering is "The Litanies of Satan" by Charles Baudelaire. Our version is illustrated by "living pictures" which are initiatory keys whose meaning is known to the worthy. They were often used in Satanic Masses celebrated in 1890's Paris and popularized 100 years later by Diamanda Galas, performance artist extraordinaire.
Just go to The New Flesh Bookstore at to find this stuff. Or click the link on this page.
Peni Tento Non Penitente.